Friday, December 9, 2011

Cover Letter

Herrera 1
Lesly Herrera

Emily Miller

English 091


Here is my portfolio I know for a fact its not the best, but all I can say is I tried. I don't feel like my portfolio is what taught me all my writing skills though, you were. Mrs. Miller I want to thank you for giving us a head start and helping us through a semester of English. It helped me quite a lot, I learned different types of essays, how to become a better detailed writer, and how to support my main topics. You have helped me so much with transitions and giving detail into everything. I can actually say that I have become a better writer than the first time I walked into your class. Doing all those essay introductions, different essay formats, and every crazy writing skill was so helpful that I know I'm going to take with me for my future. All I can say is the grade you give me is the one I'll earn and I just appreciate everything you've helped me and the entire class with. You were a great teacher and I learned so much from you. Thanks for your hard pushing and just everything, I learned varies things that I will take with me for the future. Thanks Mrs. Miller.

Lesly Herrera

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